Ha vezes que me ponho a pensar, que as pessoas que sao mas, ou que tem algum fundamento que nao é bom, que so pensam nelas e etc, acabam sempre por benefeciar das situaçoes, e conseguem sempre aquilo que querem. O que me irrita, e me faz pensar, o porque de nao ser como essas pessoas, se calhar algumas coisas seriam mais faceis.
E sabes, hoje vi o programa a oprah, eu quase nunca vejo a sic mulher, mas hoje tava a fazer tempo para ir para a minha aula, e pus-me a ver televisao.
E entao, o progrma era sobre o World trade centrer, e familias que tinham perdido algum familiar no ataque do 11 de Setembro.
E ver a dor daquelas crianças, e o perder um irmao, um filho, um pai... a Tracy enquanto falava chorava e apertava a mao da mae, e ia olhando para as irmas enquanto falava do pai, chorava com um sorriso de saudade.
Tambem tenho saudades...
e o facto de ter visto o programa e logo hoje, serviu-me quase que de resposta, que vale a pena tentarmos sermos diferentes, tentar ajudar os outros da forma mais simples que conseguirmos, atraves de um sorriso, de um abraço, ou simplesmente nao os fazer sofrer...
deixo um sorriso
terça-feira, 29 de abril de 2008
domingo, 27 de abril de 2008
Queres mudar comigo?
"I can change the world
With my own two hands
Make it a better place
With my own two hands
Make it a kinder place
With my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands
I can make peace on earth
With my own two hands
I can clean up the earth
With my own two hands
I can reach out to you
With my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands
I'm going to make it a brighter place
With my own two hands
I'm going to make it a safer place
With my own two hands
I'm going to help the human race
With my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands
I can hold you
With my own two hands
I can comfort you
With my own two hands
But you've got to use
Use your own two hands
Use your own
Use your own two hands
With our own
With our own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands"
With my own two hands
Make it a better place
With my own two hands
Make it a kinder place
With my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands
I can make peace on earth
With my own two hands
I can clean up the earth
With my own two hands
I can reach out to you
With my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands
I'm going to make it a brighter place
With my own two hands
I'm going to make it a safer place
With my own two hands
I'm going to help the human race
With my own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands
I can hold you
With my own two hands
I can comfort you
With my own two hands
But you've got to use
Use your own two hands
Use your own
Use your own two hands
With our own
With our own two hands
With my own
With my own two hands"
Eu partilho contigo!... e dou-te um sorriso!
The Sharing song - Jack Johnson
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
If you have two
Give one to your friend
If you have three
Give one to your friend and me
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
If you've got one
Here is something you can learn
You can still share
Just by taking turns
If you've got a ball
Bounce it to the gang
If there is a new kid
Invite him out to hang
If you've got one sandwich
Cut that thing in half
If you know a secret joke
Tell it and share a laugh
If you've got two drumsticks
Give one to your friend
Make one beautiful rhythm
Share a beat that never ends
And if you're feeling lonely
Share time with your mom
Share some milk and cookies
And sing the sharing song
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
If you have two
Give one to your friend
If you have three
Give one to your friend and me
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
If you've got one
Here is something you can learn
You can still share
Just by taking turns
If you've got a ball
Bounce it to the gang
If there is a new kid
Invite him out to hang
If you've got one sandwich
Cut that thing in half
If you know a secret joke
Tell it and share a laugh
If you've got two drumsticks
Give one to your friend
Make one beautiful rhythm
Share a beat that never ends
And if you're feeling lonely
Share time with your mom
Share some milk and cookies
And sing the sharing song
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
It's always more fun
To share with everyone
quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2008
....este é o numero um!
segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2008
"Dons...tens tantos donsque acho que nem tens noçao de todos os que tens...olha dom do perdao, dom da força, dom da dedicaçao, dom da coragem, dom da motivaçao, dom de sentir tudo ao maximo e com o coraçao,dom da entrega aos outros, achei que devia dizer-te...ah e mm kdo pensas k nao vale a pena,n desistas de nng!tens tanto para dar que de certeza essa pessoa ira ficar a perder,e há-de tomar consciencia disso, beijinhos!"
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